113 research outputs found

    On-line Handwritten Character Recognition: An Implementation of Counterpropagation Neural Net

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    On-line handwritten scripts are usually dealt with pen tip traces from pen-down to pen-up positions. Time evaluation of the pen coordinates is also considered along with trajectory information. However, the data obtained needs a lot of preprocessing including filtering, smoothing, slant removing and size normalization before recognition process. Instead of doing such lengthy preprocessing, this paper presents a simple approach to extract the useful character information. This work evaluates the use of the counter- propagation neural network (CPN) and presents feature extraction mechanism in full detail to work with on-line handwriting recognition. The obtained recognition rates were 60% to 94% using the CPN for different sets of character samples. This paper also describes a performance study in which a recognition mechanism with multiple hresholds is evaluated for counter-propagation architecture. The results indicate that the application of multiple thresholds has significant effect on recognition mechanism. The method is applicable for off-line character recognition as well. The technique is tested for upper-case English alphabets for a number of different styles from different peoples

    Image Compression Using Hybrid Technique

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    The compression ratio of the study Hybrid approach may give better performance compared with the related methods. PSNR and SNR will be calculated to ensure the performance of the system. The PSNR value at the main subject area is equal for both the methods. The PSNR value at the background area is lower in Hybrid method which is acceptable, since the background area is not considered to be so important. The Hybrid method is appropriate for imagery with larger inconsequential background and certain level of loss is tolerable in the background of the image . Keywords: Image Compression , Hybrid Technique

    Skewed line detection and removal preserving handwritten strokes : a new approach

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    Text overlapping with lines poses serious problems for the optical character recognition systems. The dilemma becomes crucial for skewed and non-uniform thick line present in the word image. Although detection and removal of the straight underlines has been addressed but still skewed lines removal and restoration of the area after removal of lines persists to be a problem of interest. A new method is proposed to detect and remove skewed and straight line at any position inherited in the word image without characters distortion to avoid restoration stage by preserving strokes. The proposed technique is based on connected component analysis and is equally suitable to remove straight and skewed line from printed and handwritten words. Detailed experiments are conducted on manually filled forms of National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) special benchmark database19. Comparisons with other methods available in the literature exhibit potential of the new approach with accuracy up to 95.18%

    Perbandingan Waktu Tunggu Dan Waktu Pelayanan Sistem Pembayaran Cash Dan Cashless Di Parkiran Menggunakan Discrete Event Simulation

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    Congestion can take a lot of time for people. Congestion does not only occur on roads but also occurs in public facilities such as parking facilities. where one of the causes is the queue in and out of parking in the business area, which has an impact on discomfort. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the cash and non-cash payment service queuing system in terms of waiting time and service time. The stages of the research are observation, data collection on service time, data sampling, data processing and analysis using the discrete event simulation (DES) approach, validation, and suggestions for improvement. The results of the analysis show that the payment system with the cashless method is more effective than the cash payment method. Therefore, the cashless method can be used as a reference for parking service providers in the modern market to be implemented in a parking payment system, with an average service time of the Cashless method of 15.2365 seconds compared to an average service time of the cash method of 42.6812 seconds. seconds or an increase in server time from cash to cashless by 2.81% and a decrease in waiting time using cashless compared to cash by 9.31%. Keywords: Discrete Event Simulation, payment method cashless, Queue Syste

    Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs): A Review

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    Abstract MR imaging modality has assumed an important position in studying the characteristics of soft tissues. Generally, images acquired by using this modality are found to be affected by noise, partial volume effect (PVE) and intensity nonuniformity (INU). The presence of these factors degrades the quality of the image. As a result of which, it becomes hard to precisely distinguish between different neighboring regions constituting an image. To address this problem, various methods have been proposed. To study the nature of various proposed state-of-the-art medical image segmentation methods, a review was carried out. This paper presents a brief summary of this review and attempts to analyze the strength and weaknesses of the proposed methods. The review concludes that unfortunately, none of the proposed methods has been able to independently address the problem of precise segmentation in its entirety. The paper strongly favors the use of some module for restoring pixel intensity value along with a segmentation method to produce efficient results

    Characters Segmentation of Cursive Handwritten Words based on Contour Analysis and Neural Network Validation

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    This paper presents a robust algorithm to identify the letter boundaries in images of unconstrained handwritten word . The proposed algorithm is based on  vertical  contour  analysis.  Proposed  algorithm  is  performed  to  generate  presegmentation by analyzing the vertical contours from right to left. The unwanted segmentation  points  are  reduced  using  neural  network  validation  to  improve accuracy  of  segmentation.  The  neural  network  is  utilized  to  validate segmentation  points.  The  experiments  are  performed  on  the  IAM  benchmark database.  The  results  are  showing  that  the  proposed  algorithm  capable  to accurately locating the letter boundaries for unconstrained handwritten words

    Sphere encapsulated oriented-discrete orientation polytopes (S-dop) collision culling for multi-, rigid body dynamic

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    This paper discusses on sphere encapsulated oriented-discrete orientation polytopes (therefore will be referred to as S-Dop) collision culling for multiple rigid body simulation. In order to improve performance of the whole simulation system, there are available options in sacrificing the accuracy over speed by using certain approximation techniques. The aim of this research is to achieve excellent performance through implementation of suitable culling technique, without jeopardizing the resulting behavior so that the simulation will still be physically plausible. The basic idea is to identify the highly probable pairs to collide and test the pair with a more accurate collision test in broad-phase collision detection, before the pair is passed to a more costly stage. Results from the experiments showed that there are a number of ways to implement the sphere encapsulated or-Dops (S-Dop) collision culling on a multiple rigid body simulation depending on the level of performance needed

    Pembangunan pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak, 1900–1973

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    Penulisan ini meneliti pembangunan pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak antara tahun 1900 hingga tahun 1973 yang merangkumi era British hingga era pasca-kemerdekaan. Penulisan ini ingin melihat sejauh mana kejayaan kerajaan kolonial British di Perak dan selepas itu Kerajaan Negeri Perak dalam membangunkan sektor pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak. Kajian-kajian terdahulu tentang kegiatan ekonomi di Negeri Perak lebih memfokuskan kepada sektor ekonomi utama negeri ini iaitu kegiatan melombong bijih timah di kawasan bandar di Perak. Justeru kajian tentang kegiatan pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak kurang diberi perhatian terutamanya pada era pasca-kemerdekaan. Penulisan ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif yang meneliti sumber-sumber pertama dan bahan-bahan yang diperoleh dari Arkib Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur dan Arkib Negara di Perak, Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Perak, Perpustakaan Arkib Perak, Perpustakaan Negara dan Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia. Hasil penelitian terhadap sumber primer seperti Report of the Coconut Marketing Survey (Sabak Bernam and Lower Perak Districts) 1956, Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Perak 1970, Federation of Malaya Annual Report 1950, Annual Report Social and Economic Perak 1948, The Present Land Use of Perak September 1970 dan Lower Perak District 1962 telah mendapati bahawa sektor pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak membangun secara dinamik sejak era British dan terus berkembang maju dalam era pasca-kemerdekaan. Juga didapati bahawa sektor pertanian komersial di Hilir Perak turut menyumbang secara signifikan kepada kemajuan ekonomi negeri Perak dan kemajuan ekonomi masyarakat setempat dalam tempoh yang dikaji


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    Background  and  Purpose: Studies on entrepreneurship gained attention only thirty years ago and had since highlighted new venture creations and the processes towards quality entrepreneurial growth. Nonetheless, past researches had overlooked e-commerce ventures as one of the aspects of the psychology of entrepreneurship. A critical element in entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur, would be responsible for the creation and establishment of new ventures with suitable personality traits, cognition and motivation. This study, therefore, aimed to describe the importance of personality traits, cognition and motivation that can impact e-commerce new ventures creations in Malaysia.   Methodology: This study was designed as data for this study were collected using interviews on 12 entrepreneurs who ventured into e-commerce. These interviews were carried out from May 2013 to December 2014 using a multiple case study approach. Findings: Results from this study showed that seven personality traits, which were creativity, risk-taking, inspiration, autonomy and freedom, tolerance to ambiguity, diligence and persistence, as well as optimism, were the integral influence for new ventures in e-commerce. Cognitive aspects, such as personal background and experiences, as well as both internal and external motivation, also contributed to the creation of new ventures and developed their businesses. The need for achievement and interest were related to internal motivation, while interactions and networking with family members, customers, and industries, boosted external motivation.   Contributions: It is hoped that the Malaysian government would encourage more entrepreneurial activities within the country by identifying personality traits, motivation, and cognitive factors in potential entrepreneurs to expand the creations of new ventures further that can boost the economy of the country in the future. In addition, the recommendation of future study should explore the quantitative method to examine the relationship for each variable towards new venture creation in e-commerce.   Keywords: Entrepreneurship, new ventures creation, E-commerce, psychology, sociology.   Cite as: Md Fadzil, A. F., Yaacob, M. R., Mukhtar, D., Muhayiddin, M. N., Salleh, F., Mohamad Ibrahim, R., & Sallehudin, H. (2023). Effects of entrepreneurial quality towards new venture creation: A multiple case study of successful new ventures in e-commerce in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 184-225. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp184-22